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BVMKA Autumn Meeting - Maxillofacial Imaging

Association event
23/11/2024 - 24/11/2024

On behalf of the BVMKA HH / ABCOMF-TC, we have the pleasure to invite you to the next Autumn Meeting, which will take place in Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel on Saturday November 23th, 2024.

Welcome to the Congress on Imaging in Maxillofacial Surgery, a premier event dedicated to exploring the critical role of advanced imaging technologies in the diagnosis, planning, and treatment of maxillofacial conditions. This congress brings together leading surgeons, researchers, and industry experts to discuss innovations that are transforming patient outcomes. From 3D imaging to computer-assisted surgery, the presentations and discussions will cover the latest advancements and present outcomes of current imaging techniques. 

Abstracts and Time table

08h45                 WELCOME

09h00              The use of artificial intelligence in the planning of orthognathic surgery: prototype of a trained neural network for automated surgical planning.  Author(s): H. VERCRUYSSE Jr, Antwerpen

09h10              Are we achieving less maxillary clockwise rotation than we anticipate? A retrospective study on the accuracy of 3D planned orthognathic surgery. Author(s): M. PEETERS, Antwerpen

09h20              Nasal width changes following orthognathic surgery with marginal intra-sulcular incisions: A Cone Beam CT analysis.  Author(s): Z. Mokhtari, CHwapi, Tournai

09h30             Modification of condylar position after mandibular advancement osteotomy: a three-dimensional analysis. Author(s): M. Keddar, CHwapi, Tournai

09h40             Recording of mandibular motion in different neck postures Author(s): C. De Passe, ULB-Erasme, Bruxelles

09h50                  Discussion

10h00                  COFFEE

10h30                  KEYNOTE: Prof. B. LUBICZ: interventional radiology, state of the art and in oral maxillofacial surgery. ULB-Erasme, Bruxelles

10h50                    Discussion

11h00                    The role of navigation technology in maxillofacial surgery: enhancing precision and outcomes. Author(s): F. Pepinster, CHU du Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège

11h10                    Novel approach to orbital hard- and soft- tissue symmetry analysis: a pilot validation. Author(s): I. Tsiklin, UZ Leuven

11h20                    Imaging techniques to assess facial asymmetry: a systematic review. Author(s): A. Milants, UZ Leuven

11h30                    Three-dimensional CBCT definition of the anatomical subregions of the upper airway using the IPSCaseDesigner® software:  A validation study. Author(s): B. Leyman, AZ St Jan, Brugge

11h40                    Facial 3D surface imaging: comparative evaluation of 3D facial soft tissue image acquisition by CBCT, 3D Vectra®, and the mobile phone EM3D® application. Author(s): T. Maly, AZ St Jan, Brugge

11h50                  Discussion

12h00                  KEYNOTE: M. MOISE : Common crania-facial fractures: a pictorial essay and must-not-miss findings.  CHU du Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège

12h20                  Discussion

12h30                  LUNCH

13h30                  ADMINISTRATIVE SESSION

14h00                 KEYNOTE: M. MILICEVIC: rapid differential diagnosis of dentomaxillary pathologies by use of CBCT. CHU du Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège

14h20                  Discussion

14h30                    Calcifications in the neck: case report and literature review. Author(s): N. Dahdouh, ULB-Erasme, Bruxelles

14h40                    The clinical and radiological prevalence of accessory nerve damage after selective neck dissections and radiotherapy on the neck. Author(s): M. Smeets, Antwerpen

14h50                    A decade of parotid tumors in radiology. Author(s): C. Partoune,  CHU du Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège


15h00                    Beyond the biopsy – The role of imaging in diagnosing maxillofacial fibro-osseous lesions. Author(s): J. Ver Berne, UZ Leuven / AZ St Jan Brugge

15h10                    Buccal osseous pseudolesions and anatomical variants likely to influence treatment options. Author(s): J. Tebache, CHU du Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège

15h20                  Discussion

15h30                  COFFEE

16h00                 KEYNOTE: J. Casselman: New imaging techniques in head and neck region and 3D CRANI imaging of the extracranial cranial nerves. Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. AZ Sint Lucas Gent, Ghent, Belgium

16h20                  Discussion

16h30                    Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia clefting syndrome on Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Author(s): A. Jost, Cliniques Universitaires St Luc, UCL, Bruxelles

16h40                    CHARGE Syndrome and orofacial cleft: analysis with Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Author(s): N. Dewaele, Cliniques Universitaires St Luc, UCL, Bruxelles

16h50                    Alveolar cleft reconstruction utilizing a particulate autogenous tooth graft – long term results of a case series. Author(s): P. Annus, Budapest

17h00                    Evaluation of palatal bone regeneration using CBCT-images in cleft palate patients following a two-stage palatoplasty with a modified Furlow procedure. Author(s): S. Teblick, Antwerpen

17h10                    Radiological and clinical differential diagnostics of CPPD in the temporomandibular joint extending into the cranium: insights from the literature and a rare clinical case. Author(s): A. Vandevelde, UZ Leuven

17h20                    The use of stackable guides in oral implantology. Author(s): D. Mulier, UZ Leuven

17h30                    Optimizing precision and outcomes in alveolar reconstruction using mandibular ramus grafts: the advantage of CAD/CAM technology. Author(s): F. Goormans, UZ Leuven

17h40                  Discussion and closing remarks

17h50               END

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